Sunday, April 21, 2024


     In the story of Mahabharat there are subplots and then there are characters that we have heard many times and some that are mentioned in Geeta , but we have never heard of them . This becomes confusing . There is symbolism in Mahabharata and and it is present at many a times. Sometimes that may be masked and sometimes people have added stories that can be explained . 

We all know the PANDU and the DRITARASHTRA. When the Ved Vyas was asked to get a heir for the dynasty. Bhishma had kidnapped ABALIKA nd AMBIKA. Vyas went to see AMBIKA and she closed her eyes and so she had a son who was blind  and that was named DRITARASHTRA . The other wife , AMBALIKA saw Vyas and became white with fear and had a son and was named PANDU. At one time they had a maid and Vyas had a son with her and that was called VIDOOR . This is the story that we are told. 

   This is very difficult to interpret. Firstly we cannot explain Bhishma kidnapping 2 girls against their wish, secondly Vyas - the great Rhrishi having kids through them and on top of that the kids are born with some defects. As is explained, this was the concept at that time that if the king /prince cannot have children then his elder brother can do it and Vyas was elder half he could do the job.

   When one looks at the whole picture, we know that there must be some symbolism. The Pandoo represents the Intellect and the  Dritarashtra represents mind . Our Mind is in a way BLIND like the King Dritarastra, while the Intellect is pure like color white. Le us take an example. We are at a party and we are hungry.. The food is displayed but the host has not started the dinner . Our Mind says - no one is looking , grab something and eat , But our intellect tells us that that is not a right thing to do. So the Intellect analyses the situation  and gives UN EMOTIONAL opinion and so that is PURE and not tented by emotions . The Mind on the other hand acts on impulse and doe snot take in to account the consequences of the action . It may be a matter of saying something when we have an argument or it may be acting on desires  and so in a way it is BLIND. 

   When we thinks of 100 children called KAURAVS, we know that they are all BAD. They represent 100 bad habits of our 10 INDRIYAS namely 5 organs of perception and 5 organs of action.

 We will talk about that and Pandavas next time.

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