Saturday, April 13, 2024


   In the Mahabharat story, there is an incidence. Drona was poor and did not have good food to eat. He used to be friends with Drupada, who became the King of PANCHAL So, Drona decided to go to Drupada and ask him for favors , help. The king was not very happy and he scorned Drona . So dejected Drona went home feeling insulted and ask Pandawas for help. The Arjun went and had fight with Drupada and the King lost and so was arrested in battle and was brought to Drona. Drona took away his norther part of kingdom and allowed him to retain southern part of the kingdom. The king Drupada was not very happy with this defeat in the battle and so did penance. He was rewarded with a son, who had the courage and ability to defeat Drina. His name was DRUSTADYUMNA .He came out of sacrificial fire. He fought from Pandawa's side in the battle and he killed DRONA.

  It is difficult to make anything out of this story if there is no symbolism . But then when you realize that Drona represents 'past life impression', then it can be explained . Our past life impression are mixed -good and bad . And they do shape our behavior in present life . So they will affect our ability to meditate or do things right and also make us indulge in bad habits and behavior. The Drupada is the devotee who wants to mediate and his past lives SAUNSKARA or impressions come to him and they disturb him . He the devotee tries to shun and they come with extra help and then the devotee  loses the war. If one has tried to mediate , he will realize that we try to wake up early and then do mediation , try to avoid going to parties late at night and not drink alcohol or indulge in spicy food etc. . But then one day we succumb and come home late  and then cannot wake up early or concentrate . But if we have done enough practice, we may still have control over LOWER CENTERS ,namely procreation excretion and hunger etc. . But we do not have control over higher centers . The Lower centers are the SOUTHEREN PART OF OUR BODILY KINGDOM and Northern part is higher centers.

  Now that makes sense , Drona the previous life impressions are disturbing and we shun them but then at one tome we lose and give up to bad habits and impressions and then we have a ste back and then with determination we are successful and that gives us a tool- a son who defeats the bad impressions.

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