Saturday, April 3, 2021


                                                                 यच्छेद्वाङ्मनसी प्राज्ञ-

                                                              स्तद्यच्छेज्ज्ञान आत्मनि । 

                                                             ज्ञानमात्मनि महति नियच्छे-

                                                              त्तद्यच्छेच्छान्त आत्मनि ॥ १3

                                               YACHHET VAK MANASI PRADNYA

                                                  TAT YACHHET DNYAN ATMANI |

                                        DNYANAM ATMANI MAHATI NIYACHHET 

                                               TAT  YACHHET SHANT ATMANI ||13


                                   AND THE INTELLECT IN TO THE GREAT ATAMN 

                                   AND GREAT ATMAN IN TO PEACEFUL  ATMAN||13

    In this SHLOK we are told the process by which the statements that were made in last Shlokas are to be processed. We have seen the different levels of extent of 'knowledge' that we process any information that come across us. Let me give an example. Say I see a cheese cake. As I see it with my sense organ namely the eyes. only thing that I KNOW is that it  tastes great and I do the action of eating it. The mind is barely involved  and the intellect is not at all involved in the process. If one asks me questions like - how is cheese cake made , what are the ingredients  and further how many carbohydrates and sugar and proteins and fats it has  and lastly is it good or bad for health -then my intellect will be needed to analyze  and answer the questions. So we do not engage the intellect when we hear the words _VAK . If I have no knowledge of Sanskrit, I may hear the WORDS but it will make no sense to me as I do not have Intellect to understand it. 

     So in this Shlok we are told that when we are told certain facts - mentioned in last 2-3 Shlokas, we need to not go to the next one , but we need to allow it to be sunk -analyze by mind  and then analyze by intellect  and then by Atman. In Sanskrit, this is called MAMAN -CONTEMLETING ON THE MEANING  and then digesting it  and then doing meditation on it - DHYAN . So that is involving out Atman. But then this Shlok states that we need to further merge it in to PEACEFUL ATMAN and that may cause some confusion in understanding as to what is Peaceful Atman.? As I understand it there is SELF when it is ignorant  of it's nature and confined or limited by physical body it is  ego or JIVATMA . When we understand that the JIVATMA is reflection or PRAAMATMA , then we try to reflect the JIVATMA - the Great ATMAN in this Shlok on to PARAMATMA - which is PEACEFUL ATMAN. So the process is to understand by mind , thinking about it with intellect and then with meditation reflect on out SELF  and then to PURUSHA or the Ultimate Goal. 

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