Saturday, March 27, 2021


                                                                एष सर्वेषुभूतेषु 

                                                          गूढोऽऽत्मा न प्रकाशते। 

                                                           दृश्यतेत्वग्र्यया बुद्ध्या 

                                                       सूक्ष्मया सूक्ष्मदर्शिभिः ॥ १2

                                                  ESH SARVESHU BHUTESHU

                                              GHUDH ATMA NA PRAKASHATE |

                                              DRUSHTE TWAGRAYA BUDHYA 

                                       SUKASHMAYA SUKASHMA- DARSHIBHIH ||12


                                BUT IT IS SEEN BY SHARP AND SUBTLE INTELLECT ||12

     The last Shloka we were told that the Purusha is beyond everything and it is very subtle. Now in this Shloka we are told that the Atman is present in every living being and such that it is not obvious  and is hidden and with sharp and subtle intellect one can know it. So the question may -why is the Atman does not shine. and why do we need SPARP and SUBTLE Intellect.If President of America is in a crowd or a famous Actor is in a party, he or she would be obvious  and not hidden So why is Atman not easily recognized? There are 2 things that I would like to mention. One is that the Atman is the reason for everything which shines  and without it nothing can be seen . It is like the Sun -it throws the light on everything in this solar system  and without the light we could not see anything. So the Sun is needed for  us to see anything but we never think of the Sun as enlightening the whole world . The same is true for the Atman -it is needed for anything in living beings to have any perception. But the Atman is not like Sun which is very obvious in sky. Remember that anything that WE can perceive is NOT ATMAN. So the physical body that we can perceive , the mind that we can  perceive (mind is quite , agitated etc) or even Intellect  -all these things are not ATMAN . But the Atman is needed to throw LIGHT on these things for us to perceive these. So the Atman is present in every living being but it is very subtle and  hidden - hidden by our ignorance  and so we can ot see it . We need special intellect - sharp and subtle - to know it . 

    One of the problem with this is that if ANYTHING that we can perceive is NOT ATMAN OR SELF. So how can we PERCEIVE the ATMAN ?The answer is somewhat difficult to understand . But an example may help . If we have a mirror  and we have a reflection of the Sun in it that is how living beings are . The frame of the mirror is physical body and the Glass is the SUBTLE BODY  SUKSHMA SHARIR and the coating that is applied to the glass so it becomes mirror is the CAUSAL body or KARAN SHARIR  and the reflected Sun is the Atman . So if we reflect the Light from mirror to the Sun then that can be similar to the statement that with sharp and subtler Intellect one can perceive the Atman.  

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