Monday, September 2, 2024


     In Hindu Dharam they have described 4 PURUSHARTH. The word Purusha does not mean male . It is suppose to be for EVRYONE. The Purusha here is meant to be the SPRIT and Dharma i is religion. The meaning of the word DHARMA can be different when used in different context. When we say that the wood floats in water or iron sinks in water -we say that that is it's DHARMA or GUNADHARMA . Her the term Dharma is used as quality. Like sugar is sweet. The Dharma is also used as in question -religion as in what is your religion. Her we are talking about religious FAITH. Then comes the same word used as in ARJUNA was asked to KILL KAURAWAS as that is HIS DHARMA . Here we are talking about JOB or occupation. We also state that being a father or mother we have certain dharma. Her we are talking about the responsibility as parents.

   In Hindu religion we are told to follow 4 PURUSHARTH one of which is DHARMA. The next one is ARTH ,then KAM and lastly MOKSHA 

     The DHARMA in this context is righteous behavior. This is related to the other 2 PURAUSHARTH. The ARTH is money - certainly includes gold ,silver , diamond , house , car -all the the things that needs money. But getting money or earning money must be done in RIGHT WAY. We must follow righteous path. One should not make money doing bad things - stealing, lending money with outrageous interest or sex or drugs , alcohol sell etc. So we need money to survive and it should be our goal to get it but it must be done in RIGHT WAY. 

   The next one should be combined with ARTH , as it is called KAM. KAM means desires . pleasures , enjoyment. So all have that and we should do it. some one may have pleasure in eating , enjoying watching movie or even having sex. But again we need to do it with RIGHT WAY. The God has created universe with beauty and we should enjoy but  do it in RIGHT WAY and not wrong way. Indulging in any of these sense organ pleasure is not good . We should not have lust and attachments with theses things. So again when we want good food or music etc. we need money and so the ARTH and KAM go hand in hand. 

   The last is MOKSHA or NIRWAN - freedom from the cycle of life and death. The goal of human life should be to get free from this cycle. Most of us do  not even think about it till we are old. The we have few more things to be fulfilled in out bucket list and then we have attachments with grandkids . So most of us do not do anything till we die and then get another birth. When we are in doing ARTH - KAM , and doing that with DHARMA , we should think of MOKSHA . And if we do things in moderation , without attachment and righteous behavior then MOKSHA is not far away or difficult.

   These 4 PURUSHART are some what connected to 4 ASHRAMA - namely BRAHMACHAR,GRUHASTH, VANAPRASTH AND LAST SANYAS. The studentship then family and then retirement and then renunciation. ARTH and KAM are related to Family life and GRUHASTH. The last 2 are related to trying for Moksha or NIRVAN .  

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