Sunday, April 3, 2022


                                                                       तदेतदिति मन्यन्ते

                                                                      आनिर्देश्यं परमं सुखम् । 

                                                                         कथं नुतद्विजानीयां

                                                                     किमुभाति विभाति वा ॥ १४

                                                              TAD   ETAD ITI  MANYANTE

                                                       ANIRDESHYAM  PARAM  SUKHAM |

                                                           KATHAM  NU TAD VIJANIYAM

                                                          KIMU  BHATI  VIBHATI  VA ||14



                                              IT SHINE BY ANOYJER LIGHT||14

     This is interesting Shloka. On surface it may seem to be simple but when one looks at the deeper meaning, he realizes that there is much higher meaning to this one. So the Yama is telling Nachiket the answer to his question on the Brahma. He is telling him that THAT IS THAT AND I CAN NOT EXPLAIN ANY FURTHER. This is one part. and second part is in form of a question. Does it get shine by itself or by some other source?

   The first part describes the difference between the Nature -PRAKRUTI and Spirit -PURUSHA. Any time we PERCEIVE anything it is through our sense organs and mind - intellect etc. . But this BRANHAMN cannot be perceived by any of theses things as they are part of NATURE or PRAKRUTI .and anything that can be perceived is not PURUSHA or CONSCIOUSNESS. The SPIRIT is beyond our sense organ perception and so one who KNOWS it has to sat THAT IS THAT  and cannot give any description. In Hindu scriptures this is described as -'this is not this -this is not that - but never describes as THIS IS THAT(NETI -NETI नेती -नेती )So we are told that even YAMARAJ who is teaching Nachiketa has to sat THAT IS THAT and cannot go beyond that to describe the BRAHMAN PURUSH OR SPIRIT OR CONSCIOUSNESS -all the different words used at different time. In short anything that can be PERCEIVED is not Brahman. Then the question would come then how do you know ? The answer is THAT IS THAT!

   The second part is put as a question but one need not answer the question. Yama is asking does it shine on own or does it shine due to light from some other source ? This is second characteristic of PURUSHA or CONSCIOUSNESS. There are many properties in this world that are borrowed. Er say Moon is 'shinning' But the moon does not have light of it's own. It has BORROWED IT FROM THE SUN .If one is boiling a potato -the potato is hot but the property of heat is being borrowed by potato from the hot water in the pot . But the Pot does not have intrinsic property of being hot -it borrows from the fire. Now the Fire has INTRINSIC PROPERT as being hot . One has seen cold potato or cold water bur cold pot . But one has never seen COLD FIRE . So the being hot is intrinsic property of the fire . Similarly the Consciousness SHINES or is needed to perceive anything and everything. If there was no light we cannot see anything. But light does not SEE eyes-brain-mind -intellect etc. are involved in seeing but they can not function if there is no light and ONE CANNOT SEE LIGHT. The same way it is due to BHAHMAN we perceive but we can not perceive the BRAHMAN with help of or senses or mind etc. The Brahman does not borrow the proerty of light from anyone the light or the shining is it's intrinsic property. 

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