Saturday, January 22, 2022



                                                               शरीरत्वाय देहिनः । 


                                                             यथाकर्म यथाश्रुतम् ॥ ७

                                                 YONIM  ANYE  PRAPADYANTE 

                                                    SHARIRATVAYA  DEHINAH |

                                               STHANUM  ANYE  ANUSNYANTI

                                              YATHA   KARM  YATHA  SRUTAM ||7

                        SOME  SOULS  ENTER  THE  WOMB  TO  HAVE    A  BODY ,


   In this Shloka, we are told about 2 principles which are main in Vedic religion and may be different that Abrahamic religion, namely Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The Vedic religion has Law of Karma and Reincarnation. So we are told in this Shloka ,that the 'SOULS' will enter wombs to be reborn with Body or may be STEADY - UNMOVABLE according to their Karma and Knowledge. This is the principle of Vedic religion . Most of the people will be reborn in another body  and the selection is based on Karma - desires  and KNOWLEDGE. How much we have evolved as a soul. Do we still have intense desires for satisfying sense organs -this will decide as to what kind of body we will get. So the improvement in out detachment from sense organs and our Knowledge in union with God or universal consciousness will be carried from one life to other  and that will determine which womb we enter . 

    One of the things that we know is there are 8400000 different species in Vedic religion and they do have a count in detail if one is interested in knowing it precisely as to which are these 8400000 species. I am not sure if the word 'STANUM' which means immovable -describes plant kingdom or it means that some souls DO NOT MOVE . This may happen if one has no desires and have  achieved significant Knowledge but not yet 100% to get MUKTI or Nirvana. Most of the authors who have done commentary on this Shloka, sates this as entering plant. I am not convinced . I also feel that most of the Human beings will come back as Human beings ,unless they have so much bad Karmas that they need to exhaust their DESIRES - VASANAS that they have to go back to Animal kingdom where the Karma or Actions are done with Instinct.

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