Saturday, December 16, 2023


    When we go to temple or pray at home we usually have some demands. We want better job , more money and better life ,Sometimes we want same things for our close family members. One of the lectures that I was attending , the speaker said that 'when some people visit temple , the God must be saying here comes 'headaches' with list of demands'. We all are guilty of doing this .But then the questions come in mind. Is God like God Father ? Or if we cannot ask the God for the help ,then whom we will ask for the help? I have addressed this in some other blogs. But this reminded me of the story of Vivekananda

    IN the life of Vivekananda , he had some personal issues . His father was a barrister, but then things went bad and his family did not have much money and could not even get good food for day to day living. At that time Vivekananda had started going to Ramakrishna .He was worshiper of Kali. Many people around Ramakrishna could not understand this worshiping of a Goddess when he was promoter of ADWATYA .Vivekananda went to him and asked him to pray Mother Kali for better life and material things for his own family .Ramakrishna told him to go to the temple and pray himself for that rather than asking Ramakrishna. Vivekananda went to the temple then after some time came back. The Ramakrishna asked him if he did pray and ask for the money ? Vivekananda answered that he forgot or was in so much ;trans' that he did not or forgot as to why he had gone there .Ramakrishna  told him to go back and ask for the money . Vivekananda went and came back  and could not ask for it as he went in deep samadhi, Ramakrishna smiled and told him that he will do it for him ,but he will get bare minimal to survive and not become rich etc. The moral of the story is that TRUE Devotee does prayer for love and not for personal gains and when one is in that deep state of UNITY then one cannot ask for mortal and material things , even though they are needed for the survival. 


      I have been watching many videos on NONDUALITY or ADWATYA and find sometimes we find ourselves wondering as to WHAT IS REAL. On one si...