Saturday, October 28, 2023


     We all worship God and even those who do not believe in Idol worship , do Idol worship Cross , Mary or Jesus are nothing other than Idol worship. But the question arises , if I see God, what form will he be? Will he be Lord Ganesh or Lord Shankar , or Lord Krishna? Would he be HE or SHE  and would he be in form of Human Being ? The answer is  in Bhagavat Geeta . The answer is HE / SHE WILL BE WHAT YOU WANT HIN /HER WANT TO BE . So if one worships one form of the God , he will  see that form. In Geeta Lord Krishna states that 'by worshiping a God you will achieve that Heaven of that God.'

    We all have our own choice of the GOD . One cannot worship Formless God . So in India, we have FAMILY GOD called KOOLDEVATA , the God in a form that the entire family worships But then as with our regular life, we may have a friend who lives next door to us. But we have more friendship with some one else who may not live physically close to us , but is close to us otherwise. So we 'prefer one over other when we want to tell our secrets , ask for help or share our happiness etc. The same hold true in our spiritual life. We have one form of God - an Idol that we are exposed to as our Family God , but then in our personal life we have some other form , that we feel is closer to us . So this form of God is called personal God or ISTA DEVATA -ISHTA means one which is favorable to us. 

  This brings me to my original question and the answer, what form will I see upon death if I see God . It will be the form that I WANT IT TO BE . If that is male forms - Ganesh , Vishnu , Shankar, Krishna or female form Goddess Lakshmi or Sarasvati or Durga etc. .WHATEVER WE WANT WE WILL GET OR SEE. One thing for sure the formless omnipresent GOD will be in form and will be seen as if it has limits. This is why we say that the God is father - mother - friend . 

Saturday, October 21, 2023


     This blog is for those who know or have read , heard about the Mahabharata. The story of Mahabharata is well known to Indians  and the Bghagavat Geeta is part of it. On the battle field when Arjuna has doubts about fighting Kaurawas , who were his cousins , the Lord Krishna gives him a lecture  and that discourse is called Bgagavat Geeta. In that epic - it is largest poetry in any literature-Arjuna goes for the wedding competition called SWAYAMVARA -just like the TV show of BACHELER ,and wins Draupadi . When he comes home ,his mother Kunti, tlles him to 'share' whatever he has won among his brothers and so Draupadi becomes wife to all 5 Pandawas. This may sound impossible  or difficult to accept today and it has some meaning. Even in those days men were allowed to have more than one wife, but women were not allowed to have more than one husband. So what does this mean ?

    The answer is in symbolism in Mahabharata. The 5 Pandawas represent 5 big elements  and also 5 Chakras the coccygeal, sacral, lumbar, thoracic and cervical  and they also are related to Earth-PRUTHVI-Water-AAP,-Energy Fire -TEJ, wind or Air -VAYU, and Space- AKASH. The Drupadi represents coiled up energy in the lowest part of the spinal cord called KUNDALINI SHAKTI. When one does the meditation, and the Kundalini is AWAKENED - becomes JAGRUT , it ascends the spine touching each of the above CHAKRAS  and then there are different sounds and visual thins that one hears and sees . This is the MARRIAGE between Draupadi  and 5 Pandawas. 

     For those who may be interested in Kathopnishada or Patanjali Sutra yoga or Law of Karma , please check out my books n these subjects on Amazon -Books -Kirtane . 


      I have been watching many videos on NONDUALITY or ADWATYA and find sometimes we find ourselves wondering as to WHAT IS REAL. On one si...