There are more than 100 Upanishads and one of the most popular is Kathopnishada. The 10 of them are considered main and rest are also studied. It is almost like how we study for the examination. Some parts are important and we must know and others are studied if we have time . But main thing is that the theme is same. The reason this one got more popular, is that all of us are interested in knowing about Death and dying. What happens AFTER death is, a question that all of us have thought about . So, when there is story where Lord of Death Yama is giving the answer , all us want to know about it. But when you read through it you realize that the theme is same. Ultimate Goal is same . Ultimate TRUTH is same . Ultimate SPIRIT-BRAHAMA -GOD IS SAME.
One thing that I have realized is that there is a theological or philosophical concept in Hindu religion which is as scientific as anything can be there. Every religion has 3 parts. One is the so called 10 commandments -all the religion have similar behavior advice. No religion tells us to steal or kill or tell a lie .Certainly people can distort what is stated in scriptures .But that is not what is told . The second part is variable based on time and region. Again this is also advice as far as behavior is concerned. But sometimes what was good advice at a particular time may not be pertinent at a different time or place . Not to eat pork or birds with web or Beef etc. may be something like that. Certainly NOT TO KILL ANY ANIMAL IS WHAT I believe. But we may have been asked not to eat beef may be due to need for milk and it's byproducts and bulls being used for farming and transportation . The same thing may hold true for other restrictions in other religion. Again as one can see these are all related to how we must behave. In Hindu religion we have similar ones , YMA AND NIYAM But the difference is 5 of them are external and 3 are Internal .DYAN - DHARANA -SAMADHI are Internal and we need to practice. The last part is philosophical and that is different in many religions. The concept of Heaven and Heil and Satan are different in different religion. The same is the concept of what happens after the death.
My thinking is that one should not stop at just reading these scriptures ,but NEED TO PRACTICE to achieve ultimate freedom . This is what is taught in most and all of HINDU scriptures .