अनुपश्य तथा पूर्वे प्रतिपश्य तथाSपरे
सस्यमिव मर्त्यः पच्यते मिवाSSजायते पूनः --६
As I understand this statement is by Nachiket to his father or it may be his own thought. This kind of thought can only arise in those whose soul is evolved or who has understood the mortality of human life. We normally tend to justify what we do even when we know that our acts are not moral or ethical. The standard statement is 'everyone does it' or 'If I don;t do it someone will do it.' We all know that we are all mortal beings and we are going to die. but the way in which we act is as if we are going to live for ever. I have known elderly -more than 85 years ole not selling their property and hold on to it so as to get higher price, only to die before enjoying the money that they would have gotten by selling earlier.
There is a poem in Marathi language which states that we are all like grains going in grinder but we do not realize and even though Death is imminent we wish we want to try to stop what is inevitable.
In this SHLOKA , Nachiket thins or tells to his father that think what our forefather did, or what other (of your age ) do.They donate as charity things that are of value or utility.Like grain - corn the physical body will die -decay and then we will be born again.
In Patanjali Yoga Sutra we are told that there are different types of 'proofs' Some are 'direct' and some are 'indirect' We conclude that there must be fire when we see smoke . This is indirect. While actually seeing fire is direst proof. But both of these can be deceptive. We see Moon and think it is not that far and we can cover with our palm in front of our eyes , so it must not be big .But our conclusion is wrong .The same is true of indirect, smoke could be fog and there may be no fire . The only 100% proof is what is told to us by reliable evolved souls or sages. So when we are told to think about how our ancestor behaved , we should not think of learned , evolved enlightened ones not just those who were related to us by blood.
The principal of life cycle or birth-death- reborn- reincarnation is also stated here.
सस्यमिव मर्त्यः पच्यते मिवाSSजायते पूनः --६
As I understand this statement is by Nachiket to his father or it may be his own thought. This kind of thought can only arise in those whose soul is evolved or who has understood the mortality of human life. We normally tend to justify what we do even when we know that our acts are not moral or ethical. The standard statement is 'everyone does it' or 'If I don;t do it someone will do it.' We all know that we are all mortal beings and we are going to die. but the way in which we act is as if we are going to live for ever. I have known elderly -more than 85 years ole not selling their property and hold on to it so as to get higher price, only to die before enjoying the money that they would have gotten by selling earlier.
There is a poem in Marathi language which states that we are all like grains going in grinder but we do not realize and even though Death is imminent we wish we want to try to stop what is inevitable.
In this SHLOKA , Nachiket thins or tells to his father that think what our forefather did, or what other (of your age ) do.They donate as charity things that are of value or utility.Like grain - corn the physical body will die -decay and then we will be born again.
In Patanjali Yoga Sutra we are told that there are different types of 'proofs' Some are 'direct' and some are 'indirect' We conclude that there must be fire when we see smoke . This is indirect. While actually seeing fire is direst proof. But both of these can be deceptive. We see Moon and think it is not that far and we can cover with our palm in front of our eyes , so it must not be big .But our conclusion is wrong .The same is true of indirect, smoke could be fog and there may be no fire . The only 100% proof is what is told to us by reliable evolved souls or sages. So when we are told to think about how our ancestor behaved , we should not think of learned , evolved enlightened ones not just those who were related to us by blood.
The principal of life cycle or birth-death- reborn- reincarnation is also stated here.